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Ethics: Dilemmas and Threats
Behaving ethically is a fundamental part of compliance, but it's also crucial in helping build relationships and maintain trust with your clients and customers. More than this, it upholds the reputation of the profession throughout society.
Ethical dilemmas and threats come in many shapes and sizes, so how can you spot and stop these issues before they arise?
1-hour module. This short course has been taken from Ethics in Action: What Would You Do?. You can find out more information about the full course here.

AI: The Future of Accounting?
AI aims to make our personal and professional lives more efficient and effective. But should we see it as a colleague or a competitor? And what does its growing influence mean for modern accounting?
This short course looks at some of the ways AI is already affecting accounting work, some new tools - including ChatGPT - and some of the initial concerns that are being raised about AI.
1-hour module. This short course has been taken from AI for Accountants. You can find out more information about the full course here.