accountingcpd blog

  1. FRS 102: Your Next Step in UK and Ireland GAAP

    Understanding the theory of new UK and Ireland GAAP is the first step, it might now be time for you to get into the nuts and bolts of the technical,...

  2. Would You Say Fraud is an Inevitable Cost of Doing Business?

    What would your response be if someone told you that fraud was inevitable in business? Whether you are an employee, a manager or an executive...

  3. Thinking Ahead to the Next Steps in New GAAP

    New GAAP reporting standards are now mandatory. If you're in practice, you needed to be able to identify the best solution for each of your...

  4. What are Clients Expecting from Accountants in Practice?

    It's no secret that accountants in practice today are facing an increasingly competitive market. The rapid pace of change within the industry...

  5. From Management Accountant to Business Partner

    When is a management account not a management account? When they become a business partner. A recent report by the Chartered Institute of Management...

  6. Assessing a Reasonable Profit

    Blog, Blogs by David Allen, Authors, Professional Development, Financial Management, Business Skills, Accounting,, cpd, Learning,...