accountingcpd blog

  1. Reflections from Accountex

    While we were exhibiting at Accountex last week, two key topics were often mentioned: AI and AML...

  2. It's not about the money, honey

    Szabolcs Fekete, a former employee of Citibank, was dismissed for claiming two sandwiches instead of one, but not about the money it’s about...

  3. IFAC Publishes Action Plan to Fight Fraud

    Find out more about IFAC's action plan to fighting fraud.

  4. Squid Game Not So Popular Now

    A blog from accountingcpd

  5. Will the pandemic mean there is a decline in fraud?

    A blog from accountingcpd

  6. Wirecard - yet another classic fraud missed by the auditors

    A blog from accountingcpd