accountingcpd blog

  1. Six tactics England's Lionesses used to win support for change

  2. A guideline to significant dates in the workplace

    A diversity and inclusion calendar can aid workplaces in making inclusion a daily occurrence and regular aspect of an employee’s routine.

  3. FRC's Proposed Minimum Standards for Audit Committees

    There has been a good deal of discussion in the accountancy press about the role of audit committees - here's what we think.

  4. IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments: music to your ears?

    Did you know IPSAS 41 has launched to simplify accounting for financial instruments? Find out about the key features of the standard in this blog.

  5. Computer says no

    This blog explores some of the issues with using algorithms in decision making.

  6. Attract develop and retain a world class finance function

    How can you create a workplace that the accountants of the future will choose to stay in?