accountingcpd blog

  1. Integrated Reporting: What do Accountants Need to Know?

    The Integrated Reporting movement is gaining momentum. Despite this move to embrace Integrated Reporting, many accounting and finance professionals...

  2. R&D Tax Credits: Which Companies are Benefiting?

    R&D tax credits are still too little understood. If you are a company director or their accountant – could you or your clients' be paying a...

  3. Building the Perfect Strategy Workshop for Your Organisation

    Only 10% of employees understand their organisation's strategy. In his recent webinar, Lincoln laid out a structure for building the perfect...

  4. Until the Whistle Blew

    The Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, the subject of the recent massive data breach. In this week's blog John Burbidge-King discusses the...

  5. Performance Measurement: Making Sure Your Controls are Appropriate

    In this week's blog, David Allen looks at financial control systems and how to make sure we are using the right controls for our business.

  6. Social Media: The Brilliant

    There will always be cautionary tales of social media gone wrong but there are also some great campaigns that showcase how powerful social media...