accountingcpd blog

  1. Barclays Bank and the Differential Association Theory

    The Barclays case is the first criminal prosecution faced by a bank for financial crisis related misconduct. To understand the case we consider...

  2. ICAEW UK Economic Forecast: A Need for Unpopular Policies

    ICAEW has published its quarterly economic forecast for the UK. There are no startling findings but it is a useful overview nonetheless. They...

  3. Santander Acquisition of Banco Popular Espanol Should Set the Alarm Bells Ringing

    It was announced recently that Santander had acquired Banco Popular Español for €1, and that Santander intended to launch a rights issue and...

  4. Professional Scepticism and Cognitive Bias: A Challenge for Every Finance Professional

    Professional scepticism, or the lack of it, has long been acknowledged as a major issue in audit quality. But are the lessons being applied...

  5. Barclays and Guinness - Déjá vu?

    What have Barclays Bank and Guinness PLC got in common? Not a lot, it would seem. However, there is a connection...

  6. The B-Word

    What would be the impact of Brexit on the business? After going around the issues for a few minutes, the answer emerged: none. While the business...