accountingcpd blog

  1. Eight Sources of Innovation

    A blog from accountingcpd

  2. Three Behaviours of Problem Solvers

    Solving problems is a key employability skill. Sometimes we seem to be good at coming up with solutions, and other times we get stuck and frustrated....

  3. 7 Ways to Optimise Your Emails for Mobile Access

    Given that over half of all emails are now opened on mobile devices, what does this mean for how we write emails? Here are Anna Faherty's top...

  4. Professional Scepticism and Cognitive Bias: A Challenge for Every Finance Professional

    Professional scepticism, or the lack of it, has long been acknowledged as a major issue in audit quality. But are the lessons being applied...

  5. Professional Scepticism: A Key Skill for Every Finance Professional

    While professional scepticism is usually associated with audit work, it is increasingly being listed as a key skill for every finance professional....

  6. How Can We Ensure that We Continue to Behave Ethically in a World that is Always Changing?

    As finance professionals, do you think we focus enough on ethics? Things change constantly, and new situations emerge that we haven't encountered...