accountingcpd blog

  1. Performance Measurement: Making Sure Your Controls are Appropriate

    In this week's blog, David Allen looks at financial control systems and how to make sure we are using the right controls for our business.

  2. Hoogervorst Reappointed as Chair of the International Accounting Standards Board

    Hans Hoogervorst has been reappointed Chair of the IASB for a second five-year term. Mr Hoogervorst's second term begins on 1st July 2016 whilst...

  3. IFRS Update: 2 Trillion of New Balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities

    The new IFRS 16 looks set to have a major impact. So what it is all about? In this blog Alan Nelson looks at the new standard and how it will...

  4. Auto-Enrolment is Here, What Should Accountants be Thinking About?

    With the help of FSB and accountingweb we've put together a little infographic to help see you through the transition to auto-enrolment.

  5. Why Business Performance Management is Still Key in Volatile Times

  6. Report from PwC Highlights Continuing Differences Between US GAAP and IFRS

    In an increasingly globalised economy the use of IFRS and US GAAP is a complication that most of us would rather avoid. Learning two languages...