accountingcpd blog

  1. Becoming a Finance Business Partner

    Finance business partnering has emerged from changes in the business environment where organisations are thinking about their transactional...

  2. ISO37001: The Latest International Bribery Prevention Tool

    In October 2016, the International Standards Organisation published ISO37001, the anti-bribery management system. Rising public awareness of...

  3. A Year of Landmarks in P2P Business Lending

    Business lending through the new breed of online alternative finance providers – variously known as peer-to-peer or marketplace lenders – has...

  4. FreeAgents IPO Marks a First for UK Equity Crowdfunding

    On November 16, Edinburgh-based online accountancy service FreeAgent floated its shares on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock...

  5. The Future is Taking Shape

    In the run up to Christmas not much thought is given to that period of time beyond the 26th December – however, from a business perspective...

  6. What to Do in a Changed World?

    A series of political surprises has thrown the cards up in the air. So, what to do when there's far, far more uncertainty around than anyone...